Monday, May 3, 2010

The Depreciation Guild

In Her Gentle Jaws" by The Depreciation Guild
Shoegaze/8-Bit/Pop Kanine Records 2007

Download In Her Gentle Jaws

The Depreciation Guild is a rising band for good reason, few bands have a more unique, refreshing sound than this New York 8 Bit/Shoegaze Band. That genre hybridization is a shock at first, thinking My Bloody Valentine (see previous old post) mixed with Pac-Man.

But fuzz and blips has never sounded sooooo good. This thrown in with a pop/dance punk aesthetic and you have one awesome nerd turned indie god sounding band. Sounds a heck of a lot like The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart (partly because the drummer of The Pains is the singer/guitarist for them) with a bit different approach.

What's great about this mixture of Famicon, Fenders, Fuzz, and Reverb is that no song leans to heavily on one of the weapons. Every song is the perfect blend of each aspect, which makes every song sound well balanced and awesome. They also boast a very strong, but small discography (as this album being their first release was released in 2007).

I've seen this band live and watched a few of their live performances, and one thing that makes them even more awesome is their live performances. One would expect a shoegaze band to stand there and be somber, hence the name, but this band does not leave out opportunity to impress. The band has a great stage presence that's not pretentious, good energy, and very friendly mixed with a awesome visuals of digital collages and flashing colors that fits the aesthetic. This is one band that has their artistic direction down pat.

The only negative that could be said about this album is that the quality of songs, ironically enough, Depreciates in quality. In other words, the great memorable songs are right in the front and the second half is still good but doesn't match the first.

All in all, this is an amazing unique band that nobody should look past.

For Listeners Of: The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, Sweet Tripp, Ringo Deathstarr, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Airiel, The Radio Dept., The Fauns, My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, Swirlies, Brand New

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