Thursday, May 27, 2010

How HP Lovecraft Took Over The World

Tonight in Roanoke, VA there is one great event going on.

Its title: "How HP Lovecraft Took Over The World."
Its purpose: To have an exposition on local talent. Artists, writers, and musicians all group together to celebrate a great man and his work. Namely, HP Lovecraft

Happenings: A book release of Mike Allen's "Cthulhu's Reign", Lovecraft inspired art by Bob Snare, a live theatrical performance, a visual work, and music by local musician Arte Povera (with a special cover just for the night)

This is going to be yet another perfect installment in the event series of the Emerging Artist Series. As always, it's a free show at the main library in Downtown Roanoke starting around 6:30 PM. These shows never disappoint, and this may be the best one yet.

So, come out for a horrificly creative night.

Here are some links:
Facebook Event Page
Arte Povera's Myspace page
Emerging Artist Facebook Page
Buy Cthulhu's Reign

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